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Welcome to Physics 4C!

In this course you will be introduced to the fundamental principles of Physics using Calculus. Physics 4C covers Thermodynamics, Waves, Light & Optics, and Modern Physics.


I hope you are ready to learn some really cool physics! 

Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.

--Werner Heisenberg


Class Format & Access

The class will be conducted in a hybrid format, online asynchronous lectures with in person labs. Lectures will be video recorded for you to watch on your own time. For the labs we will meet on Thursdays 4:05pm - 7:15pm. All of the course materials* are provided on Canvas**, and you will be submitting all of your work through Canvas as well.


The class starts on Monday, Jan 29th

You can access the complete course syllabus on Canvas.

*We will use the open online books OpenStax University Physics Volume 2 and Volume 3, you do not need to purchases any books to be successful on this class. 

**If you don't have a Canvas account yet, your account should be created automatically within 2-4 hours after enrollment. If it has been more than 12 hours, please contact Distance Ed.

Hello Class!
My name is Miguel Rocha

(you can just call me Miguel)

The best way to contact me is via email:

  • LinkedIn

I will be your teacher for this class. My goals as your teacher are:

  1. That you become interested in Physics and realize that is something you can do. Yes, I know Physics is intimidating, but it is nothing you can not do.

  2. That you are successful in this class regardless of your background and current math level.

  3. That you learn some physics and become prepared for future classes, jobs, and tasks that require problem solving and analytical thinking.

About Your Teacher


Tips for Success

To be successful in this class I need you to do your part. ​Below is what you can do to set your self for success:

  • When taking an online course, you must take the initiative to ask me or your classmates questions If you do not understand something. Ways to do that:

    • The "Course Questions & Answers Forum" is a great place to ask questions and see the answers to your classmates' questions.

    • Students are also strongly advised to create a discord server/channel for the class. If you do, let me know and I'll announce it. It would be for students only!

    • Don't be a stranger, reach out to me! The best way is via email:

    • And if necessary you can always schedule a meeting with me via my Office Hours Calendly.

  • READ. The material in this course is dense. I do my best to explain it in the video lectures but don't rely only on that. If you are confused about a concept the best way to fully understand it is to find it in your book and read a different explanation. 

  • Know and use your resources. If you haven't done so, visit the Distance Education and STEM center websites​

  • You should log into Canvas regularly to see if any new materials, announcements, emails, or grades are waiting for you to review. I will primarily be using Canvas messaging/email to communicate with you, and the Course Announcements.

  • This course is not self-paced. You will have weekly assignments with weekly due dates. Follow the due dates to stay on track.

  • Look carefully at your work schedule, school schedule, and family obligations and allow plenty of time for each.

Thanks for joining Physics 4C!

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